Omarosa Implies that She Has Spoken with Special Counsel Robert Mueller


Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former reality show contestant on President Donald Trump's "Apprentice" series and one of the only prominent women of color in Trump's administration until her dismissal earlier this year, has been leaking recorded audio of her conversations with high-level Trump officials.

But the audio may end up being more than simple gossip. In conversation with Chris Matthews on MSNBC's "Hardball," she heavily implied that Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team have taken an interest in her  and indeed, have already spoken to her at least once.

"Omarosa, if you have any other recordings, you wouldn't share them here?" asked Matthews. "Do you got some?"

"Oh, I have plenty," she replied.

"Anything Mueller would like to see?" he pressed her.

"If he — if his office calls again, anything they want, I'll share," she said. "Anything that they want, I will certainly corroborate."

She went on to add that "at this point," she believes Trump should be impeached.

Omarosa's willingness to work with Mueller, and her implication that she has, in fact, already done so, is highly significant, partly because it could give Mueller insight into the state of mind of Trump and his top staff.

Regardless, so far, what Omarosa has already released to the public is highly damning in its own way.

One of her tapes purportedly depicted White House Chief of Staff John Kelly firing her in the Situation Room— a sensitive, compartmented information facility — which raises questions about how she was using a recording device inside a facility cleared for top-secret information without White House officials knowing.

Another recording, taken a day later, depicts Trump vehemently disagreeing with Kelly's decision to fire Omarosa, and that "nobody even told me about it," suggesting Trump may be alarmingly disconnected from what his own aides are doing.

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