Thursday, July 26, 2018

Emails Suggest Republicans Gerrymandered Michigan to Weaken Democrats

Emails have emerged in a Federal Lawsuit that suggest Michigan Republicans Gerrymandered Congressional Districts in 2011 to Maintain an Advantage over Democrats, despite years of claims the Lines are Drawn without Political Bias.

The Lawsuit references Private Emails that allegedly show one Republican Aide saying a Macomb County District is Shaped like “it’s giving the finger to (Democratic U.S. Rep.) Sandy Levin. I love it.”

Another Email from a GOP Staffer was said to Brag about cramming “Dem Garbage” into Four Southeast Michigan Congressional Districts.

In a third Email, a longtime Michigan Chamber of Commerce Executive predicts the Maps will keep Republicans in Power for Years, and implies the 4th Congressional District in the Central Lower Peninsula was drawn to the Wishes of Dave Camp, a longtime Republican Congressman from Midland who has since Retired. “We will accommodate whatever Dave wants in his district,” wrote Robert LaBrant, who has since left the Michigan Chamber and is now a GOP Consultant, on May 18th, 2011, to Two Republican Consultants and a Camp Staffer. “We’ve spent a lot of time providing options to ensure we have a solid 9-5 delegation in 2012 and beyond.”

The Emails were introduced this month as Evidence in the League of Women Voters of Michigan’s ongoing Federal Lawsuit alleging the 2011 State Legislative and Congressional Maps are so Gerrymandered they Violate the U.S. Constitution.

The Messages highlight the Influence of the Michigan Chamber and GOP Consultants in Drawing Districts favorable to Republicans, and lift a Curtain on a Process that both Democrats and Republicans had insisted for Years was Unbiased.

The Emails are becoming Public as the Michigan Supreme Court is poised to Decide whether a Citizen Initiative to create an Independent Redistricting Commission can appear on the November State Ballot. The Court heard Arguments last week and could make a Ruling at any time. The Ballot Measure is Opposed by Republican Candidates for Governor, including Attorney General Bill Schuette, and Groups such as the Michigan Chamber, which contends the Proposal is Overly Broad.

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