How just listening can be a very powerful tool for suicide prevention

John Schneider
A public health approach to preventing suicide involves a complex safety net.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

― Leo F. Buscaglia 

Suicide is a preventable serious health issue that affects many of us, and there are many complex aspects to addressing suicide risk factors and societal issues.  When Sigmund Freud started his exploration of “the talking cure” in the late 1890s, physicians could only set bones, catch babies and be the silent witness to another’s life experience. 

As time has passed and medical interventions expanded, these advances in medicine have marginalized and deemphasized the simple and powerful components of caring for others.  Namely, the power of everyday human interactions. 

Each of us can use our humanity to affect people in our lives.  Each of us can prevent suicide and save lives. 

A review of the epidemiology of suicide demonstrates its severity as a major health issue in the U.S.  Since 1975, suicide has consistently ranked in the top 12 causes of death.  In 2015, 44,193 people died by suicide. This is approximately one suicide death every 12 minutes.  In data reported last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that suicide rates rose 25.4% from 1999 to 2016; Wisconsin’s rate rose 25.8%. 

The 25 percent increase in the suicide rate is not unique to Wisconsin. The U.S. suicide rate has also increased by around the same amount.

Suicide is pervasive in society. It is the third leading cause of death for youth 10 to 14 years of age, and it is the second leading cause of death among individuals between 15 to 24, and 25 to 34.  Since suicide is a sensitive issue (and even illegal in some jurisdictions), it is likely underreported and misclassified as accidents or other causes of death.  This includes deaths by drug overdose.

Suicide, like other complex human behaviors, is a multifaceted mix of issues with no single cause, but rather the interaction of biological, psychological, interpersonal, environmental and societal influences over time.

Recent CDC data noted the following cross-cutting risk factors: relationship problems (42%), crisis in the past or upcoming two weeks (29%), problematic substance use (28%), physical health problems (22%), job or financial problems (16%), criminal legal problems (9%) and loss of housing (4%).  These are very common experiences and almost everyone has experienced one, if not more, in their lifetime. 

Suicide can seem too large of an issue for any one person to do anything about. But I contend even one person can make a difference. Suicide risk factors are based in very human experiences that many of us understand and can empathize with. 

What signs should people look for? The National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) website list 12 signs or symptoms: feeling like a burden; being isolated; increased anxiety; feeling trapped or in unbearable pain; increased substance use; looking for a way to access lethal means; increased anger or rage; extreme mood swings; expressing hopelessness; sleeping too little or too much; talking or posting about wanting to die; and making plans for suicide. Many of these feelings and experiences are common, but in some cases overwhelm the individual. 

Once people know what to look for, they can act. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention encapsulates it as a trademarked program called “Talk Saves Lives.”

Yes, it can be that simple.

NIMH shares these five simple steps to save lives:

• Ask:  Talk about their stresses in life.  Don’t try to fix, or tell them how to feel, just listen.  Ask them “Are you thinking about killing yourself?”  Research shows that asking about suicidal thoughts does not increase risk of or thoughts of suicide.

• Keep them safe:  Reduce the person’s access to highly lethal items, means, or places. This has been shown to reduce risk and save lives.  It’s appropriate to ask if they have a plan on how to hurt or kill themselves.  

• Be there: Be present. Listen and validate. Studies suggest that acknowledging and talking about suicide reduces suicidal thoughts. Don’t judge, don’t tell; listen, validate and empathize. 

• Help them connect:  Call the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division crisis line at (414) 257-7222.  You can also encourage reaching out to family, friend, spiritual advisor or a mental health professional. 

• Follow up:  Stay connected; being in touch after a crisis or after someone has been discharged from the emergency department or hospital care has been shown to reduce suicide.  Part of our humanity is having connections to those around us.  

While the issue of suicide can seem emotionally overwhelming or beyond what one person can do, studies show that demonstrating our humanity, reaching out and listening to others can have a lifesaving impact on people considering suicide.  

How to get help: If you or a loved one are experiencing suicidal thoughts, call the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division crisis line at (414) 257-7222.  We are available to talk to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

John Schneider, MD, FAPA ischief medical officer for the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division. He also is an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral medicine for the Medical College of Wisconsin. The Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division (BHD) is the community’s connection point to vital, high-quality behavioral health care.  For more information, visit