The Top 5 Staffers Most Likely to Leave the Trump Administration Next

News & Politics

Since his inauguration, President Donald Trump has overseen a consistent string of departures and terminations from his administration. More than 20 high-profile top staffers have already left the White House, including a chief of staff, a national security adviser and four communications directors. This tally doesn't even include other departures in the administration, such as former FBI director James Comey, former acting attorney general Sally Yates and former associate attorney general Rachel Brand.

So who will be the next Trump administration figure to go? It's hard to say for sure—few foresaw Hope Hicks' recent departure coming—but multiple reports suggest that any of the following five prominent people may soon choose to leave or be forced to resign.

1. H.R. McMaster

Trump has never warmed to his second national security adviser, who replaced Michael Flynn after he was caught lying about his contacts with Russia. Multiple reports now suggest McMaster will be leaving the White House by April.

Many of the reports about his imminent departure include extensive lists of possible replacements, suggesting that the likelihood of his leaving is quite high. But CNN also notes that one source said Trump could still change his mind.

2. Gary Cohn

The director of the National Economic Council is reportedly livid about Trump's decision to go rogue and announce new tariffs on aluminum and steel. If Trump follows through on levying the tariffs, Cohn may resign in protest, according to a Politico report.

The report also notes that Cohn considered resigning after Trump made comments defending the white supremacist protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia last summer.

3. Jeff Sessions

Trump has made it no secret that he is fed up with his attorney general, tweeting this week:

The president has attacked Sessions before, apparently because he is angry that the attorney general recused himself from overseeing the Russia investigation. Sessions has held on through the abuse, but will a new wave of insults finally motivate him to resign? Or will Trump throw caution to the wind and fire him?

It's far from certain, but don't be surprised if Sessions is the next Trump official looking to "spend more time with his family."

4. John Kelly 

A few weeks ago, when the White House was under fire for keeping former staff secretary Rob Porter around despite allegations of abuse from his two ex-wives, it looked like Chief of Staff John Kelly would be forced to resign. Since the news cycle has moved on, the pressure on Kelly has somewhat eased. 

Nevertheless, the New York Times reports that he has called his job at the White House a punishment from God. Trump's children, along with former communications director Anthony Scaramucci, are reportedly pushing for Kelly's ouster. It probably won't happen this week. But sooner or later, Kelly is likely to go the way of his predecessor, Reince Priebus: left alone and jobless in the rain on a tarmac.

5. Jared Kushner

Trump's son-in-law, Kushner, has been remarkably resilient in the White House, and the president clearly provides him with a lot of protection. But with multiple scandals closing in, his recent loss of top-level security clearance, and his every move being watched by special counsel Robert Mueller, there's bound to be a lot of pressure on Kushner to leave the White House.

Trump has also reportedly asked Kelly for help in transitioning both Kushner and Kushner's wife Ivanka out of the White House.

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