Fire danger elevated to moderate in the Lincoln National Forest

Earlier designation compared to most years

Ruidoso News Report
  • Observe safety measures to prevent sparking a wildfire

Minimal amounts of precipitation and snowpack over the past few months contributed to the current unseasonably dry fuel conditions in the Lincoln National Forest, prompting U.S. Forest Service officials to elevate the fire danger to moderate Tuesday.

Lincoln National Forest Sacramento Ranger District

Fire officials monitor conditions year-round and based on the current conditions, fire danger rating signs in the three districts across the forest were changed to "MODERATE," which means that fires can start from accidental causes, but the number of starts is generally low.

Fire in open, cured grasslands will burn briskly and spread rapidly on windy days.  Timber fires spread slowly to moderately fast. The average fire is of moderate intensity, although heavy accumulations of fuels will burn hot. Short-distance spotting may occur bus is not persistent.  Fires that start under these conditions are typically controlled quickly.

“Last year we transitioned to "moderate" on March 6. Going into the new year at a moderate rating is an indicator that we will have an earlier and possibly longer fire season," Ryan Whiteaker, Fire Staff Officer on the Lincoln National Forest, said. "As temperatures increase and the windy season materializes, these conditions can largely affect the intensity of the fires and severity of the overall season.”

No fire restrictions are in place at this time, but forest officials offered a few safety tips: be sure campfires are dead out; park vehicles in area that are paved or bare, not in tall, dry grass; smooke only in areas that are free of vegetation; and fireworks always are prohibited on public lands.

Additional information about the Lincoln National Forest can be obtained by visiting or calling the Supervisor’s Office:  3463 Las Palomas Road, Alamogordo, 575-434-7200, or  the Smokey Bear Ranger District:  901 Mechem Drive, Ruidoso, 575-257-4095.