Pet rescue owner cited with animal cruelty

Ashley Books
Chambersburg Public Opinion

LETTERKENNY TOWNSHIP - George Melvin Statler, the 84-year-old owner of Mountainside Pet Rescue, has been cited with 10 counts of animal cruelty.

Pennsylvania State Police, Chambersburg, on Aug. 22 investigated sanitary conditions at the pet rescue, 7705 Upper Horse Valley Road, Upper Strasburg.

MORE:Mountainside Pet Rescue investigated for animal cruelty

MORE:Problems continued at pet rescue despite warnings

About 90 dogs, a pot-bellied pig, a donkey and a miniature horse were found on the property, police said.

Statler was hospitalized for 18 days when he was injured in a fire that claimed the lives of five dogs. The fire on May 18 also damaged several buildings.

Statler also suffered burns to his feet and side, and was treated at the Leigh Valley Burn Center. He returned home in June.

MORE:Volunteers rally for George Statler's pet rescue after fire

MORE:'I have never felt so good in my life': Pet rescue owner returns after fire

The citations were filed through the district court. 

(Incident PA2017-885940)