Tuesday, October 3, 2017

NYC Mayor Challenger Says He’s Being Muzzled by Campaign Finance Board

New York City long-shot Mayoral Candidate Sal Albanese is Suing the Campaign Finance Board (CFB) for the Right to Debate Incumbent Mayor Bill de Blasio next week, claiming that the Agency is trying to “Muzzle” his “message of reform and the end of pay-to-play.”

Albanese, who lost to de Blasio ​in the Democratic Pprimary by about 250,000 votes, is now running as a Reform Party Candidate against de Blasio, Republican Nicole Malliotakis, and Bo Dietl​, an Independent​.

Albanese says host ​​NY1 has released Tickets to the other Candidates, but none to him, leading him to believe he’ll be Excluded from the Oct. 10th Debate at Symphony Space on the Upper West Side. The CFB will announce Qualified Participants on Oct. 6th.

Albanese says he meets the Criteria to Participate, because he has Raised and Spent the Minimum $174,225 for Mayoral Candidates.

But CFB Spokesman Matthew Sollars says the Threshold is actually $500,000 because Albanese wasn’t included in a recent Marist Poll about the Candidates. “It seems someone or something wants to muzzle and stifle Sal Albanese’s message,” his Manhattan Supreme Court Suit says.

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