6 Major Marketing Trends to Start Budgeting for Today [Infographic] - Social Media Explorer
6 Major Marketing Trends to Start Budgeting for Today [Infographic]
6 Major Marketing Trends to Start Budgeting for Today [Infographic]

If you’ve been in marketing for more than a few days you’re likely all too familiar with the never-ending barrage of ‘hot trends’ popping up by the minute. *Cough* Mastodon *Cough*. It can be overwhelming sorting the Facebook’s from the Google+’s which is where this infographic comes in.

Our friends over at MDG have sorted through piles of data to direct us towards 6 meaningful marketing trends to invest our time and money into within the coming years.   Give it a read below:

6 Digital Marketing Trends to Budget for Now
Infographic by MDG

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About the Author

Annika Bansal
Annika is a Senior Editor at Social Media Explorer. She travels full time and has lived on the road working remotely for over two years. You can check out her Instagram to follow her on the road.

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