10 of the Dumbest Things People Have Ever Overheard

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    Clothing - [-] Drunk Grandpa 1653 points 7 days ago a female friend of my daughters was worried that she might be pregnant because she had unprotected sex, with another girl. she was around 15 or 16 years old.
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    Cartoon - EFlaysoft 1571 points 7 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) "If you masturbate, Satan masturbates to you"
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    Natural landscape - (-] EmptyChair 2116 points 7 days ago Someone in my highschool science class asked the teacher after class, all whisper like: "Are mountains plants?" The teacher's face, trying not to laugh, was priceless.
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    Street sign - Welcome to [-RickJamesBitch 2920 points7 days ago I asked someone what country is shaped like a boot as a test. "Florida" THE SUNSHINE STATE
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    Face - [-] TheSwimmingToast1948 points 7 days ago (last edited 7 days ago) I knew a kid who was surprised that George Washington was dead. He also thought that Egypt was a continent by the U.S. (This kid has full tuition scholarships to very prestigious schools for basketball)
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    Heat - [-] jrgallag 2410 points 7 days ago "Where are my car keys?" ~my wife while DRIVING THE CAR
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    Sports gear - (-] Jorcer 1186 points 6 days ago (last edited 6 days ago) Walking down the hall of my old high school there were two girls talking. "I hope my birthday doesn't end up on Friday the 13th this year!" "Oh when is your birthday?" "August 15th. It got really close last year.".
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    Text - [-] Fredfredbug44090 points 7 days ago "Manhattan's an island right? How does it float with all those buildings on it?"- Overheard from some lady on the plane when we came in for landing. Apparently thinking that islands float on the water like boats is a very common, and very dumb, misconception.
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    Grille - [-] thanhbinh sutu 1376 points 7 days ago Conversation I had in the break room at work: Coworker: "My doctor says I need to eat more iron. Isn't that, like, a metal? Why would I eat metal? I don't think he knows what he's talking about." Middle aged woman. Has two kids.
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    Text - [- JakksonBlakkson 1290 points 7 days ago "It's a proven fact aliens don't exist, because wouldn't Jesus have to die for their sins too?"
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    Text - [-] agriffey11003 points 6 days ago My wife and I went to nursing school together and I was 1 of three males in the class. All of the women (average age about 26) were talking and laughing about all of the things guys have said to try to get out of wearing a condom. Someone mentions the old "You can't get pregnant in a pool" and this 19 year old girl turns beat red and blurts out "Wait, you CAN get pregnant in a pool? What about the chlorine?!?1?" I didn't know if the laughter was going t


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