A few helpful tips on controlling home invaders

Richard “Bugman” Fagerlund
For the Daily News
Richard “Bugman” Fagerlund

Here is some helpful information and tips for homeowners who on a few occasions may find invaders in and around the homes. Pesticides are not necessary to control any of the unwanted invaders.

Roly Polys

Sowbugs and pillbugs, which are also called roly polys and woodlice, are crustaceans, not insects. They require a lot of moisture where they live. Sowbugs and pillbugs  are actually beneficial as they are excellent decomposers. Pillbugs can roll up into a ball when threatened. Sowbugs cannot roll up into a ball.

They aren't major pests, but will damage bean sprouts. They can be kept away from plants by putting food grade diatomaceous earth on the ground around the base of the plants. You can keep them out of your house by installing door sweeps if your doors don't close tightly.

Scale Insects

Female scale insects are oval in shape and usually convex, but some species are flat. They have a hard cuticle that is either smooth or covered with a wax-like material. Most scale insects feed on plants and some are serious pests of crops. They are not a major pest in home gardens, but there is one species that is very common on houseplants. The brown soft scale is found in houseplants all over the world. If will feed on a variety of flowering plants and ornamental foliage but is particularly fond of ferns.

Because of their scale-like body wall, they can be difficult to treat. If you have plants that are heavily infested, it would be best to discard them. You can remove them individually from plants by swabbing them with a mixture of alcohol and water or dish soap and water.

Snails and Slugs

Snails and slugs are terrestrial mollusks. Snails have shells while slugs do not. There are a great many species, but only a few are pests in gardens. They will feed on a wide variety of plants and are most active at night or after rains. They often leave large, jagged holes in the leaves of plants they are feeding on.

The best method of control is to put food grade diatomaceous earth under and around all plants you want to protect as they will not crawl over it. You can also trap them with small pans of beer in the yard. The good news is the beer will also attract and kill any cockroaches in the yard. Never use a commercial snail bait that contains methaldehyde as this is very dangerous to dogs.


Springtails are very small wingless insects. Some are brown or gray, while other are brightly colored. They have a structure (furcula) on their underside that enables them to jump when suddenly straightened out.

Springtails are probably the most abundant non-social insect on the planet. There are approximately 650 species in the United States alone and they are found in both the Arctic and Antarctic. They can be very common in damp, organic soil where they feed on fungus. Large numbers in any area will show that the soil is healthy. They rarely cause any damage to plants, but will occasionally feed on young shoots.

Contrary to what some people believe, springtails are not capable of infesting human beings. This is a myth that is often found on the internet.

You can control them by mixing food grade diatomaceous earth with the soil they are in. In houseplants it would be a good idea to dry the soil out to eliminate any mold or fungi that they may be feeding on. If you have them in your home, you can spray them with a mixture of soap, water and alcohol. Mix a sprayer with equal amounts of water and alcohol and add a couple of tablespoons of dish soap.

Anyone with questions about pests can contact Richard “Bugman” Fagerlund by email at or call him at 505-385-2820 or go online to Fagerlund’s website at