Saturday, November 26, 2016

Liz Warren Just Made Epic Federal Move Against Trump’s Corruption

Senator Liz Warren of Massachusetts was one of Hillary Clinton’s top surrogates during the recent Election Campaign, and proved to be remarkably effective in getting under Donald Trump’s skin.

Now that Donald Trump somehow managed to win the Election, despite losing the popular vote by more than two million votes, Liz Warren is doubling down on her efforts to take Trump down.

Together with fellow Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings, Warren has called for a Federal inquiry by the Government Accountability Office into Trump’s transition.

According to Warren and Cummings, Trump has neglected to separate his personal interests from the public’s interest during the transition time, while funding the effort with taxpayer money.

Began Warren and Cummings in the letter, “We are writing today to request that the GAO conduct a review of President-Elect Trump’s taxpayer-funded transition. Mr. Trump’s apparent conflicts of interest, and his behavior during the Campaign and after his Election, raise questions about the use of taxpayer funds during the transition.”

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