“Septemblog”: Day 1 (Attempt 1)

I recently mentioned that I needed to hurry up if I was going to squeeze in the “blog every day” challenge, just in case I mess up and need to start afresh. As it’s now September, this is one of only four months I have left to try this, so here I am. Project Septemblog: aka blog every day in September. Catchy name, I know.

(Seriously. FOUR MONTHS til I turn thirty!)

I hadn’t really thought about setting any rules for the challenge, which would give me the flexibility to ‘cheat’ and post a picture or something if I run out of words, but I don’t know whether that’s just too easy. I mean, I could schedule a post a day with a picture or a motivational quote or similar right now and have nothing to worry about. I can’t help but feel that defeats the point though. So here’s some rules I’m going to try and abide by:

  • Each post must contain at least 150 words
  • Posts shouldn’t be scheduled more than 3 days in advance
  • No more than 5 list posts over the month

As well as blogging every day — because why keep things simple and easy for myself? — I think that to truly involve myself in the spirit of blogging and the blogging community again, I will also:

  • Comment on 5 blog posts per day
  • Retweet or share one other blogger’s post per day
  • Follow on bloglovin, facebook, twitter or instagram one new blogger per day

It’d be awesome if I had some moral support in this, so if you want to take part in Septemblog (you don’t have to call it that ;)) please just join in, and drop me a note in the comments or via email with your blog URL and I’ll do a little round-up of links later on. Alternatively you can show your support by sending me blog post ideas, nagging me to post via twitter or by letting me know which of my daily posts you enjoy / which you find a bit “meh”.



  1. Feck it, I’ll give it a go. I give myself two days.

  2. I managed to blog today, but there’s no way I’m going to do it everyday, but good luck to you! :D

  3. well I’ve done day 1 now, so that’s a start…

  4. Decided at the last minute/rather impulsively to do Septemblog with you and everyone else. Here goes nothing…!

  5. Day 1: Complete. Hope we all can get through to Day 2! :)

  6. GO YOU and best of luck! :) Sending my moral support vibes, and gosh, this makes me want to start blogging again.

  7. I’m reading this in bed as I get ready to go to sleep. So much for Day 1!

    • Jem

      02 Sep at 9:13 am

      It’s not too late. Write a post, back-date it, then get straight on to post 2!

  8. Just decided last minute to do it too!

  9. Oops, didn’t see this post until today… is it too late to join? Also, what happens if I epically fail?

    It does sound like a great idea, if only there wasn’t this term paper I’m currently supposed to be writing instead :D

    • Jem

      02 Sep at 9:14 am

      No, not too late. You could backdate a post and get started on today, or write an extra post on one of the days, or post on October 1st… any of those things gives you the full 30 days.

      Good luck with your term paper ;)

  10. Im in, its a day late, I am moving house, busiest time of work in the year, but fuck it.

  11. Good luck to you and to all the others that have also joined through the comments!

    I might see if I can comment on everything in support :)

  12. I won’t ‘actively’ try since I only found out about this on Wednesday morning (damn it GMT+10…) but I’ll see if I can post every day for the rest of the month from today. I feel so itchy about backdating because I used to backdate my posts by a few minutes at 12:03 because I had meant to post ~before midnight~… ;)

  13. I’ve been meaning to blog regularly (for years, but oh well) so I guess I’ll try, too and just go on until Oct. 4th or something.

    amandaalwyn.com, I guess since I haven’t been doing much with notquitepetite.com lately.