I keep trying to remind myself that all of this concrete with a pool is a good thing, but there are certain limitations it sets that don’t make me all that convinced. Take, for instance, the utilities. To my knowledge utilities are typically on the side of the house: easier for meter men to get to and out of the way of the usual dweller spaces. But lucky us, an air conditioning unit and the meters are on the back of our house, right next to the door we use the most often and surrounded by decking and concrete.
Since a little greenery seems to help anything, I picked up some plants and pots to cover the meters. They’ve been a really nice distraction. A quick and simple way of keeping your eyes focused on pretty things instead of functional things.
Now, what to do about that sorry looking air conditioner. Do they make beautiful air conditioners? Because I would buy one. But in the mean time, I’m thinking a screen of some sort could work. A trifold that hugged the sides would look nice painted the color of the house. And maybe I would add some trim, like the detail on these pineapple bases…
Have you had to deal with unsightly utilities? Got any tips for camouflaging?
More backyard here, here and here.
Hi Gwen- Dana Miller of House Tweaking has some great ideas for floating wall to cover up utilities on her back deck- check it out…
Thanks so much Meryl! Such a great idea!
I love the one Meryl suggessted, also there are these two: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/6685099424215419/; https://www.pinterest.com/pin/6685099424215417/. The second seems to be spammy – I don't think it links to the original source (?). I thought of your classic, fresh and modern style when I saw it – I love how the Remodelaholic diy hinges – lots of practicality.
I also love your solution – the plants are a great distractor! Take care 🙂
I love your idea to add trim to go with the pineapples. Screens work really well and I have seen every idea imaginable. I am sure your handy husband could put something together and then you add your creative spin. We are doing something similar to hide our unsightly garbage cans. Post pictures when you are done
Thanks, Amy! We definitely will!
I have vines growing on trellis around my AC units in my backyard, it camouflages them beautifully, but I have to trim them every so often
That sounds beautiful and worth the bit of maintenance.
I recently saw A Designer Trapped In A Lawyer's Body do something cool to cover hers up. Mine are between the two windows on the side of our house and I'm thinking pretty flowers on lattice would make a good distraction from it. But our AC is on a different side of the house. I considered going full anti HVAC but especially now when it's August I realize how crazy I can get.
Thanks, I'll have to check hers out!